The foreign portfolio investors on Thursday snapped the 12-day selling streak and bought stocks worth approximately Rs 1,506.75 crore, according to provisional data from the National Stock Exchange. The DIIs that have been buyers for twelve sessions bought stocks worth Rs 22.14 crore.
Read moreTesla has launched a revamped Model Y in China, featuring a new design and upgraded interior at a starting price of 263,500 yuan. The update aims to regain market share from competitors like Xiaomi. The long-range variant now offers a driving range
Onix shared comprehensive trends shaping the future of technology in 2025. These insights reveal the convergence of technologies as a driving force behind industry innovation and digital transformation. AI: From […]The post Onix Identifies
The Rabi harvest season and rising infrastructure projects are also driving sales of agricultural tractors and earth-moving
The Supreme Court has temporarily halted the proceedings on notices issued to online gaming companies and casinos by the DGGI concerning a 28% GST on bets. The court is set to hear the final arguments from 51 petitioners challenging this tax policy
The Finance Act 2020 has introduced new tax residency rules for non-resident Indians (NRIs) and People of Indian Origin (PIOs), complicating compliance without major revenue benefits. Critics argue that the revisions mainly impact high earners and