On Friday, Indian benchmark indices had a volatile session, but despite some ups and downs, they managed to close slightly higher. The S&P BSE Sensex settled at 78,699, marking an increase of 226.6 points, which is a rise of 0.29%. The broader Nifty 50 index followed suit, closing at 23,813.40, up by 63.20 points or 0.27%.
Read moreTech mogul Elon Musk shared a peculiar problem with his followers on X, formerly known as Twitter. Musk shared proof that he has a drinking problem, prompting quirky and quick reactions from netizens. Many users poked fun at his preference for the
New Delhi: Kerala has been allocated Rs 3330.83 crore as part of the Union Government’s release of Rs 1,73,030 crore in tax devolution to State Governments
Tech mogul Elon Musk shared a peculiar problem with his followers on X, formerly known as Twitter. Musk shared proof that he has a drinking problem, prompting quirky and quick reactions from netizens. Many users poked fun at his preference for the
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. The Union Government has released tax devolution of Rs 1,73,030 crore to State Governments today, as against the devolution of Rs 89,086 crore in December